Government Sports Vouchers

The Sports Vouchers program is a Government of South Australia initiative administered by the Office for Recreation and Sport. South Adelaide Basketball Club is pleased to advise that we are an approved sports provider under the State Government’s Sports Voucher Program.

The program allows school-age children from Reception to Year 9 to receive up to 2 x $100 discount on sports membership/registration fees.

There is a limit of 2 x $100 vouchers per eligible child per calendar year. You can only claim the voucher once, even if you have played more than one sport.

For more information

Check if you have used your sports voucher. Click here

Claim 2025 Sport Voucher

There has been a change to the voucher process.  You will need to pay your fees upfront. To claim the 1 x $100 or 2 x $100 Government Sports Vouchers:

  1. Fill in and claim form here: 2025 Government Sports Voucher Online Claim Form 
  2. Vouchers are submitted weekly and take up to three weeks to be approved by the Office of Recreation, Sport & Racing (ORSR).
  3. The Club then receives a credit from ORSR. Once cleared, the South Adelaide finance team will refund the $100 or $200 amount to your credit card or bank account. Please allow 10-14 days for the refund process.

Should you experience difficulty with submitting your claim online, please email

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